Read our market review and find out all about our theme of the week in MyStratWeekly and its podcast with our experts Stéphane Déo, Axel Botte, Aline Goupil-Raguénès and Zouhoure Bousbih.

Topic of the week: When the ECB and the Fed lose (a lot of) money

  • The ECB, like the Fed, has a very large portfolio of government securities. With the rate hike this year, the value of this portfolio has fallen by several hundred billion, according to our estimates;
  • Paradoxically, we think this is a minor problem;
  • On the other hand, the rise in rates will have a significant impact on the level of profitability of the central banks, thus on their retrocession to the Treasury. And in terms of the cost of servicing the debt, it changes everything and creates an unprecedented rate sensitivity.

Market review: Hoping for Fed pivot is dangerous wishful thinking

  • Short-term respite for markets at start of fourth quarter;
  • Fed officials reaffirm need for tighter policy;
  • OPEC cuts outputs by 2mbpd, adding to inflation worries;
  • Euro swap spreads under renewed pressure.

Stéphane Déo's podcast

  • Is the issue of European common debt to fight energy problems a game changer?
  • Doesn’t the UK example show that reopening EQ is inevitable?
  • What to expect from the results season?

Chart of the week


The trend over the last two centuries is very clear and very encouraging. Democracy has undoubtedly progressed, with more than a third of the world’s population now living in countries with democratic political models.
A more precise view, unfortunately, gives a more worrying trend, over the past decade, the trend has reversed. Several countries have left the list of democracies, including Turkey and India

Figure of the week

The range of the Bund last week, from 1.77% to 2.22%.

MyStratWeekly : Market views and strategy

Download Download MyStratWeekly – October 10th 2022
  • Stéphane Déo

    Stéphane Déo

    Head of markets strategy

  • Axel Botte

    Axel Botte

    Global strategist

  • Zouhoure Bousbih

    Zouhoure Bousbih

    Emerging countries strategist

  • Aline Goupil-Raguénès

    Aline Goupil-Raguénès

    Developed countries strategist

Reading time : 30 min.
Read our market review and find out all about our theme of the week in MyStratWeekly and its podcast with our experts Axel Botte, Aline Goupil-Raguénès and Zouhoure Bousbih.
Reserved for pros
Reading time : 30 min.
Read our market review and find out all about our theme of the week in MyStratWeekly and its podcast with our experts Axel Botte, Aline Goupil-Raguénès and Zouhoure Bousbih.
Reserved for pros
Reading time : 30 min.
Read our market review and find out all about our theme of the week in MyStratWeekly and its podcast with our experts Axel Botte, Aline Goupil-Raguénès and Zouhoure Bousbih.
Reserved for pros