Olivier Houix, Chief Executive Officer

Olivier Houix - Directeur général Ostrum AMOlivier Houix began his career in 1997 in the General Inspection department of Banque Indosuez. He joined Groupe BPCE in 2001. After holding various positions in the General Inspection department of Natixis, then in the strategy department of Caisse Nationale des Caisses d'Epargne, he moved to the Asset Management division in 2005.

Project manager then director of organization, and deputy director of Natixis Asset Management's Finance and Operations division after that, he became CEO of Natixis Asset Management Finance in 2009, a position he held for 10 years.

In 2019, he became Head of Internal Audit at Natixis Investment Managers. Houix was appointed Chief Sustainability Officer of Groupe BPCE's global businesses in September 2022 (Natixis CIB, Natixis IM).

On December 15 2023, he became CEO of Ostrum Asset Management.

Olivier Houix is a graduate of EM Lyon Business School and Sciences Po Strasbourg.